Disappearing Urban Wetlands in Bangladesh: Action Research on Socio-economic, Governance and Legal Aspects

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Plan information
Project Term:2022-2023
Budget: About NT$3.3 million

Origin: The Tang Prize is awarded on a biennial basis, each with a cash reward of NT$40 million. Projects proposed by the laureates also receive a grant of up to NT$10 million. The 2020 grant for Rule of Law is shared between Bangladesh Environmental Lawyers Association, Dejusticia: The Center for Law, Justice and Society and The Legal Agenda.

Project Summary: The vast wetlands of Bangladesh are always considered a divine gift of nature. Along with other wetlands of the country, wetlands located within the urban areas are disappearing at a very fast pace which is considered a major threat from environmental and socio-economic perspectives.

The scenario of loss of wetlands in urban areas and its impacts were studied from spatio-temporal dimensions. But factors behind the loss of wetland have not yet been studied in a comprehensive way as it lacked knowledge from different background such as urban planning, environmental science, economics, sociology, law, and so on.

In such a backdrop this endeavor is to conduct a comprehensive work to recommend guidelines for conservation urban wetlands in Bangladesh. In addition to the review of existing research works and examining the prevailing policy gaps, this project also aims to undertake a number of research works to understand the dynamics of wetland conservation from socio economic, legal and governance perspectives.